Trip to the South Coast
The quick photo stop vs spending time in a place
Last night, I stayed in Merimbula, stopping at Bega on the way there. On the way back, I spent quite a lot of time in Pambula to take photographs, and took the scenic route home, getting out for a quick photo at a number of different stops on the way.

What was interesting about this was the different feel it had doing a quick 'photo stop' compared to spending a large amount of time in one place. Photography has always been a spiritual practice for me. The longer I spend in a place, the more connected I feel to nature and to God. I believe spending longer in a place (and perhaps this sense of connection) also enables me to take better photos.

While I took a few good photos on the way home, they did not have that extra dimension. To me, they felt like just a 'photo' rather than connecting with the world around me.

In comparison, when I went to Pambula, I had plenty of time to spare. I'm not sure my photos of Pambula were any better, but they did feel better. I felt more alive and spiritually refreshed than I had in some time. When I took a photo, it was not just pressing a button, it was a way of honouring creation.

I am still a fan of the quick photo stop. There's something quite exciting about going to a whole heap of new places and quickly capturing an image before moving on. But they do feel a bit shallow.

To me, spending time in a place and really connecting to what's around me, will always lead to deeper and more meaningful photos.
Pambula - including Pambula Beach and Pambula River
Trip home from Merimbula to Araluen - scenic route

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